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Thursday 19 April 2012

simple vs real -.-'

Anyone can stand by you when you are right, but a Friend will stand by you even when you are wrong... A simple friend identifies himself when he calls. A real friend doesn't have to.
A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.
A real friend says, "What's new with you?"
A simple friend thinks the problems you whine about are recent.
A real friend says, "You've been whining about the same thing for 14 years. Get off your duff and do something about it."
A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

thanks for reading . annyeong:)

best friend

When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout
When I grin you know I'm really mad
because you are my best friend
You can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you

thanks for reading . annyeong:)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

hanya mampu bersabar

                                                                 assalammualaikum , :)

 hey lama tak tulis blog .. rindunya...hahhahah...oke now nak share sikit la kat blog ni...serius tehah cakap...tehah sakit hati sangat2 ! macam tu ke yang di panggil kawan ?? ! macam tu ke yang di panggil bestfriend ?! weyh serius tehah cakap...now tehah dah otw nak jauhkan diri dari dia .. n nak menyendiri ... to me kawan yang baik adalah when dia ada saat kita susah n senang...bukan bila dia susah kita tolong and bila kita susah dia buat muka ANNOYING !terus terang tehah cakap..memang terasa...dia dah 100 % berubah .. dah tak macam dulu...sory if lepas ni tehah dah jarang tegur sebab tehah terlamapau banyak bersabar..to me kalau tak tegur dia tehah masih boleh hidup kan ?! so yeah buat apa nak pening2 kan kepala pasal dia...pernah ke dia fikir pasal kita...kalau asyik kita je bersabar and beralah pun tak boleh jugak kan... yesssss dulu kau banyak tolong tehah but now...kau berubah ! cara kau dah lain sangat ! kau buat aku rasa nak jauhkan diri dari kau...yessss dulu kau cari tehah..bahu tehah ni tempat kau menangis..tapi sekarang...sejak kau rapat dengan budak tu semua benda berubah..kau happy n sedih kau cerita kat dia..tehah ni kau cari bila dah terlampau terdesak je ! fair ke ?? ! weyh tehah ada perasaan ! tehah tak mintak pun kau jaga perasaan tehah or what but hargai la sikit ! now tehah dah malas nak fikir apa yang kau rasa ! penting lagi tehah fikir about my study !

                                hahahahaha tak pasal2 moody today !
thanks for reading . annyeong:)

Thursday 22 March 2012

you are more important than my life

hey seriusly rindu sangat kat blog ni..lama tehah tak update...and soryy gak sebab tehah buzy sangat2 ! :)
lets go..today nak story pasal orang yang penting dalam hidup tehah...1st mestilah family tehah...even baik buruk macam mana pun dorang tetap family tehah..ibu,ayah,nana n ira :) dalam adik beradik tehah..tehah la yang paling manja dari adik2 yang lain...walaupun tehah anak yang sulung :) hahahahhah  ...

2sd my FEYMEZIE ... yang ni dah macam family tehah dah .. kat sekolah tehah ada geng tau tapi bukannya geng yang suka buat masalah sekolh..ni geng sebab kawan dari sekolah rendah ...
mira otsman , tehah sendiri , emmy, wanie , ameira affendi , qila :') susah senang kita orang sama2 gembira sedih pun sama2 ... keluar sama2 , tuisyen sama2 , dalam kelas yang sama , everything sama2 kecuali mak n ayah la ... hahahha yang buat tehah terharu sangat2 ameira affendi sebab...TIME BEG DUIT TEHAH ILANG KAT SEKOLH TIME TU HARI KHAMIS..KEBETULAN MALAM TU TEHAH KENE PERGI PERLIS SEBAB ADA GAME NETBALL...TIBA2 TG TU KAT SKOLH BEG DUIT ILANG,DALAM TU ADA IC,DUIT(banyak),KAD ATM & BIASISWA,KAD DISCOUNT...dah tak pasal2 kat perlis kene jadi orang asing pulak tak de ic..but tehah buat police report...time nak pegi tu meira siap pesn kat fafa soh tgk kan tehah..kalau tehah letak beg duit lat dalam beg marah tehah...meira carring sangat !! mira otsman pulak DOKTOR LOVE hahahahha pape mesti bagi tau dia....wanie ALONG sebab keje dia kutip duit dalam feymezie...emmy budak cc..apa2 je mntak tlg dia...qila adk dalm feymezie sbb dia je yg lahir buln 12..ahhaahha memng bnyk sgt kenangan :') I LOVE MY FEYMEZIE GIRL :) <3<3<3

3rd my awesome bestfriend BELLA,WANIE,EMEER,KAK DYAN,DALILA & JOANNA :)
sini la tempat tehah mengadu...tempat tehah ceria bila sedih..tempat tehah sharing semuanya...seriusly syg sgt kat dorang...dorang pun caring...pntg degar tk sihat skit je...mcm2 dorg ckp..hahaaahha so sweet like lolipop..ahhaahahh .. dorang selalu buat tehah tergelak bila text n otf ngan dorang...serius tehah ckp..tehah rndu time kite semua hyper tgah2 malam <3<3<3 :)

thanks for reading . annyeong:)

Thursday 5 January 2012


star that shines in the sky , star that shines far away from me , seems like you came down to my heart , star engraved in my heart , star that shines in my heart , i think that might be you , can you hear a quavering voice ? can you feel my passionate heart ?  youre my star .. from a very long time ago , i know that you are the love i've been dreaming of , let us always be together , even is time passes , hope that you always  shine on the same place , my heart will only be given to you... the star engraved in your heart , the star that shines in your heart , i hope that is me :) forever i will love you , my eyes will only look at you , will you only look at me too , let us be each others star 

I smile when i see you happy..
I smile when i see you laugh..
I smile when i know you happy with the lucky ones...
I smile because i'm strong to see you happy :)

thanks for reading . annyeong:)

i'm a loner

look,look at me ! look at me straight in the eyes ! look you already looking at elsewhere... check it one,two,three.. you only keep looking at the clock..you don't have to tell me,i know you've got someone else.. you've been meeting someone else often lately.... you don't even call me first anymore.. when you are with me,you would only look at the sky even if a day is a second long.. i know your mind , yhe distance between you and me is getting farther and wider , we're not better than strangers.. im being sad at love,shedding tear at love .. sad,sad,sad,sad,sad,sad,sad ,tonight , my hurt,hurts .. no,no,no,nobody knows , how i feel .. i'm cheering up myself  passing many nights awake .. if you had just told me honestly that you got someone else , then i wouldn't have hated you to death,remembering your words , they are all silly lies ... love is going , love is leaving .. one person and one love .. i should erase you after tonight , yeesss, i should force myself to erase you .. gone,gone,my love is gone .. :')
thanks for reading . annyeong:)